Saturday, September 6, 2008

Featured OC 1: Pueo - Danny Ching and Mael Carey

"Just letting you know, I tried the Pueo yesterday, I found that this boat addressed a lot of my problems with the (another brand here). First off, the seat does not move, so your pretty much forced to be in the sweet spot of the boat. My knees where a bit high, but if I was to custom order I think they would move the peddles forward.

The first thing I noticed was how smooth this boat was in contrast to the Hurricane. Going upwind, or in side chop it knew where to go. Going over the back of waves it gently dropped, probably because of my weight being more forward. The open footwell allowed me to use both legs in driving or alternating my weight when chasing waves and dropping in. Surfing was good, it stays on the back and doesn't slide or suck back as easy as hurricane, the shorter bow with more volume kept me from poking tako (pearl diving) into the back of waves.

I seemed to get a lot better leg drive in the flat because of the seat positioning and footwell angle. The steering is nutz, the rudder moves quickly and drastically, you could turn on a dime. The rigging is simple, not as many options as the Hurricane, 1 position as the iakos go to the hull, 2 positions in the front of ama, and the back iako screws down to the ama so you can place anywhere you're comfortable." - Joe

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